Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Labyrinth is NOT a Maze!

 I had a very special day last Sunday driving up to NH with my friend Linda to Sandy Steen Bartholomew's Studio "The Bee Hive". We took a one day class on building a Labyrinth in pen and ink. Many participants had been their since Saturday for a long weekend of fun called "The Art Swarm".

It was an hour and 1/2 drive to Warner NH, but well worth it. Unfortunately Sandy was sick for the weekend and we didn't see her, but Sadelle Wiltshire our teacher was great. We learned about the history of the outdoor Labyrinths and how they where used as a place to walk and get fresh air in medieval times when it was difficult for royalty to walk the countryside. Like the Mandala, labyrinths are an ancient art with healing qualities. 
We sketched a few forms in class. With my new found knowledge I look forward to making up an intricate work of art!


  1. Oh I LOVE your journal pages!!! When you come up again to teach Mandalas, maybe you'll do a second class on journals? :-)

  2. Hi Judith! Love your labyrinths and your sketchbook! One clarification, and one new bit of info. I believe that I said that in medieval times the labyrinths in the cathedrals were used as a safe and local pilgrimage. I don't remember anything about royalty or countryside. ;-) Also I have since come to learn that the labryinth is not just right brained but that one accesses both hemispheres of the brain in engaging with it. More to come on that, lots of learning this week while at the facilitator training. ;-).
