Monday, June 16, 2014

Graduation Catch Up

 Rhode Island School of Design Graduation 6/3 was on a lovely evening. I met fellow teachers Emilie Boon and Cheryl Kirk Noll at a favorite cafe "Chocklad" then the three of us hiked up the hill to the graduation refreshments and ceremony. Cheryl who is the head of our CE Illustration department gave a great little speech before handing out the certificates to our 4 graduating students this year.

Above: Cheryl and I in front of the commissary fountain. Marcela Staudenmaier with Sarita Rich
Marcela with Bob Martin. Claire Henry was the only student missing. She was on her way to England to set up some job interviews.

Family Graduation

 Austin Allen, our grandson, Graduated from Nashoba Valley Technical High School 6/7. Austin was also awarded a special certificate of Proficiency in Electrical Technology.
Above: Austin and me, (I wore the right colors) and his girl friend Alicia with a cake she and her mom made for the party after.

Above: Bill with Austin and his three sons. Josh, Mike and Jake on the far right. 


On the right: Two more grandchildren that will be graduating soon; Collin and Kirsten

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